The Sun and Earth move around the Human Design mandala together throughout the year. When they move into different gates, approximately every 5-6 days, different energies become available to us, especially if they are not defined (colored in) in our chart.

Today the Sun moves into the Gate 19, which is on the Root Center. This is a highly sensitive energy that longs for intimacy and connection, yet can also resists it to protect itself from feeling hurt.

The Earth moves into Gate 33, which is one of the three story telling gates and is located on the Throat Center. This one focuses especially on telling aspects of your own story — or a story of the collective — in ways that help us deepen our understanding.

For the next six days, you may feel extra sensitive, which has great benefits as well as some challenges. Use the power of storytelling to ground and support you in exploring the richness of this sensitivity and ability to connect deeply when the time is right with the right person.