Getting Started with Human Design

Getting Started with Human Design

What happened for you when you first saw a Human Design chart? Were you immediately attracted and curious about what you were looking at? This certainly happened for me, and I hear it from people all the time: “Wow! That’s really cool looking . . . but what does all...
Decondition the Family Energy Field

Decondition the Family Energy Field

The Family Energy Field. It has a force all its own. Created many years ago, it still influences your and everyone else, despite how everyone has grown and evolved. The patterning inside a family can be very, very strong, and difficult to resist. So if you’ve been...
What’s New with Human Design 1.27.2021

What’s New with Human Design 1.27.2021

The Sun and Earth move around the Human Design mandala together throughout the year. When they move into different gates, approximately every 5-6 days, different energies become available to us, especially if they are not defined (colored in) in our chart. Today the...