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How Sovereign Are You?

Embody the Awakened Feminine Sovereign Archetypes

with Maggie Ostara, PhD

Not Currently Available — Stay tuned!

During this masterclass, you will discover:

  • The benefits of working with archetypes, these potent energy allies from the Imaginal Realm

  • Who are the six Feminine Sovereign Archetypes and how you can assess the power and grace of each when you need them.

  • Qualities of Feminine Sovereignty that all of the archetypes share 

  • 3 Key Steps to foster your Feminine Sovereignty in its highest, more benevolent, beautiful, radiant and influential form.

  • 3 Key Steps to foster your Feminine Sovereignty in its highest, more benevolent, beautiful, radiant and influential form.

Embodying these archetypes will support your leadership and influence, as well as your prosperity and satisfaction, in every area of your life: business, relationships, intimacy, prosperity, health and well-being, vitality, and sexuality. 

You are vital, you are precious, you are needed. Discover how to get stronger, become more influential, and live with purpose — even more!