Lightworker Leadership Codes

based in Human Design and the Pillars of Feminine Sovereignty

VIP Session with Maggie Ostara, PhD


download your copy of the slides from our LLC mini-course

VIP Session Part One

VIP Session part two

Now that you’ve acknowledged your accomplishments, tapped into your Super Powers, identified what’s in your way, and embraced what you truly desire — are you ready to manifest your potential and create the life you know is possible?

If so, I invite you to be part of a very rare and special opportunity to work directly with me alongside a small group of committed Lightworkers to make real what you know is possible — the next level of your soul development and your leadership.

Explore the details and apply below.

Intimate Group Coaching

Jan – April 2022




Maggie Ostara, PhD

Maggie Ostara, PhD left her prestigious job at as the Director of Women’s and Gender Studies at Columbia University when she realized she’s not meant to work for anyone else. (Now she knows that’s part of her Human Design.)

She’s a multiply published and Amazon best-selling author, an arousing speaker, beloved teacher, and highly intuitive and skilled mentor-coach. She’s the organizer and host of Women Evolving Our World Conference (and upcoming podcast), the 8 Pillars of Feminine Sovereignty, and the six Feminine Sovereign Archetypes.

Maggie says: “Now is the time for those of who’ve been clearing our out-dated belief systems and building our skills and wisdom in the energetic and emotional realms to step forward and take our place among the leaders of today. For too many years, those who claim leadership in our world have valued profit and personal gain over the well-being of the majority of the human world, not to mention all the other beings with whom we share this planet.

We are transforming and upgrading what it means to be a leader in alignment with the More Life principle: more life to all and less to none. I invite you to take the next step forward — whether that’s simply in your own life, or in your family, community, neighborhood or in your work in the world – shining out your values, your radiance, your compassion and your vision of the world you want to live in. Together we truly can make a difference!”

Maggie has a thriving YouTube channel, teaches online courses, works 1:1 with clients and in groups, provides business consulting, and particularly loves guiding Lightworkers to develop their body of work and get it out into the world so they can create the impact and receive the income they truly deserve.

Copyright © 2025 Maggie Sale Ostara. All Rights Reserved.

Questions? Email us here