#1 Amazon International Bestseller
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“Like an oracle sounding a call, Feminine Sovereignty asks us to wake up to the very real challenges the world faces and to access and employ the wisdom and power within ourselves and our communities to actively transform the world we inhabit.”
~ Robin Winn, Author of Understanding Your Clients through Human Design: The Breakthrough Technology.

Blew Me Away!
This book blew me away. It’s so profoundly necessary in this time of huge turmoil. Many want to make a difference—but we don’t know how and we don’t know what to do or where to go. Feminine Sovereignty offers us a path to get to the edge of ourselves, from which we might jump off into the unknown of something bigger, stronger, more alive than we’ve known. This is essential reading. A generous, clear-hearted book that’ll change lives.
Manda Scott, author of the best-selling Boudica Series and host of the Accidental Gods podcast

Remember Your Intuition
Maggie brings together all the realms – mind, body, heart, spirit, individual, systemic, culture – to help you remember how to access your intuition, your co-creative power, and capacity to cause culture – not in theory or in Pollyanna thinking, but instead in grounded, rooted, real, and deeply embodied, heart-led ways. Thank you, Maggie, for showing us the means through which we can live, lead, and succeed differently.
Christine Arylo, MBA, author of Overwhelmed & Over It: Embrace Your Power to Stay Sustained and Centered in a Chaotic World

What's Truly at Stake
Karen Curry Parker, author of the Encyclopedia of Quantum Human Design
“Redwood Pillars of Sovereignty”
An original painting by Maggie Ostara

Genesis of “Redwood Pillars of Sovereignty” through Intentional Creativity
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