8 Pillars for Regenerating Ourselves
and Our World
by Maggie Ostara, PhD
At long last, my book, Feminine Sovereignty,
will be birthing into the world late October/November.
It takes a village — a bunch of them in fact! — to spread the word in this noisy, chaotic world.
I’m excited to have you join my book birthing team! Together we can get the word out about how we can grow ourselves into people who can meet the big challenges of our world with creativity, inspiration, fortitude, resilience, and optimism. I’m so glad you’re in. 😉
Download and read the synopsis so you’ve a clear understanding of the book’s project and promise. DOWNLOAD SYNOPSIS HERE.
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Advanced Readers receive a PDT version of the book (pre-production) and provide a review they will post on Amazon when the time is right. You’ll also be provided with a synoposis and sample reviews that you can model.
This is a good fit for you if you like to read or if you’re happy to review the synoposis, sample the chapters, and would enjoy writing a few sentences to help potential readers get excited about not just buying the book — but reading it!
Be An Outreach Supporter
Like Advanced Readers, Outreach Supporters will receive a PDT version of the book (pre-production) and a synoposis. It would be great to also for you to write a review for Amazon either for when the book comes out or afterward (they are always helpful).
Outreach Supporters will actively share the book with their communities. This could mean posting on social media, sharing with your email list, even bringing a group together to read the book. We’ll provide materials (images, copy, even videos) to make this super easy to do. Although your personal touch is what makes the difference.
This is a good fit for you if you resonate with the project of the book and you feel called to share its message with your world.
Be a Feminine Sovereignty Ambassador
Do you have a podcast? A rocking blog? A YouTube channel or an Instagram presence? I would love to be interviewed or otherwise featured to personally spread the word to interested communities.
This is a good fit for you if you have an active community who you feel would benefit from hearing this message.
Join Our Book Birthing and Beyond Community
Whatever level of support you choose to provide, even just purchasing and reading the book, you’re invited to participate in our exclusive space for the early adopters of Feminine Sovereignty inside our Becoming Sovereign Quantum Retreat Center and Global Community.
I’m learning to ask for help.
Asking for your support is a growth edge for me. I’m really delighted to share my book and this work and I’m so grateful for the support you’re providing. I also know you’re busy, we’ve all got too many things to attend to, and I don’t want to add to your load. I’m also used to doing so much on my own — that’s my Individual Circuitry showing!
Ironically the 8 Pillars of Feminine Sovereignty showed me that the place I could most used development is in collaborations! So I’m stretching myself to reach out and seek your support. My intention is to make this fun, exciting, inspiring, and a win-win-win for everyone who chooses to participate. That’s Pillar Seven: Mutually Beneficial Collaborations.
With Feminine Sovereignty, Maggie Ostara gives us a profound and timely teaching on reclaiming the aspects of life without which we are destined to find only imbalance. Through the delineation of the 8 Pillars, she lights a pathway toward the healing of our relationship with the planet, our selves, each other, and Spirit. This book is your opportunity to step into your power, to embody your true essence, to break free and experience true authenticity.
~ Kia Miller, Founder of Radiant Body Yoga
“This book blew me away. It’s so profoundly necessary in this time of huge turmoil. We’re in an urgent time of change when everyone is needed. Many want to make a difference—but we don’t know how and we don’t know what to do or where to go. Feminine Sovereignty offers us a path to get to the edge of ourselves, from which we might jump off into the unknown of something bigger, stronger, more alive than we’ve known. This is essential reading for anyone who wants to reclaim their personal sovereignty – wherever they are on the spectrum of gender identity, whatever age or colour they are, whatever creed they follow. This is a generous, clear-hearted book and it’ll change lives.”
~ Manda Scott, Host of Accidental Gods podcast, Best-Selling + Award Winning Author
Feminine Sovereignty reveals just how much is at stake in how we are engaging with life here at this potent time of change. It gives us permission and instructions to look deeply inside and grow ourselves with care and compassion into who we have the potential to become. This book offers a clear path to developing your personal sovereignty that is remarkably layered and complex, yet easy to follow at the same time. It will inspire, disrupt, intrigue, challenge, and love you from beginning to end. A rich journey indeed.
~ Karen Curry Parker, Creator of Quantum Human Design and Best Selling Author
Maggie Ostara, PhD
Maggie Ostara, PhD left her prestigious job at as the Director of Women’s and Gender Studies at Columbia University when she realized she’s not meant to work for anyone else. (Now she knows that’s part of her Human Design.)
She’s a multiply published and Amazon best-selling author, an arousing speaker, beloved teacher, and highly intuitive and skilled mentor-coach. She’s the creator of the 8 Pillars of Feminine Sovereignty, and the six Feminine Sovereign Archetypes.
Maggie says: “Now is the time for those of who’ve been clearing our out-dated belief systems and building our skills and wisdom in the energetic and emotional realms to step forward and take our place among the leaders of today. For too many years, those who claim leadership in our world have valued profit and personal gain over the well-being of most of humanity and the Living World. We’re transforming and upgrading what it means to be a leader in alignment with the More Life principle: more life to all and less to none. I invite you to take the next step forward — whether that’s simply in your own life, or in your family, community, neighborhood or in your work in the world – shining out your values, your radiance, your compassion and your vision of the world you want to live in. Together we truly can make a difference!”
Maggie has a thriving YouTube channel, teaches online courses, works 1:1 with clients and in groups, provides business consulting and relationship guidance, and particularly loves guiding Change-Agents to develop their Feminine Sovereignty and make the contribution and impact they came here to make.
Maggie’s Original Painting for the cover of Feminine Sovereignty
Questions? Email us here