~ LIVE Online Conference ~

Thursday – Saturday, October 7-9, 2021

A few of our confirmed presenters, from the left, Karen Curry Parker, Dr. Valencia Ray, Asha Ramakrishna, Zhenevere Sophia Dao, and Christine Arylo.

 Pillars of Feminine Sovereignty

Pillar One: Co-Creating with the Flow of Life

Having faith in one’s primary and indivisible relationship with the generative force of the universe and intentionally acting in concert with it.

Pillar Two: Emotional Intelligence

Having the ability to experience and process one’s emotions in ways that help heal and integrate the individual and do no harm to self and others.

Pillar Three: Physical Vitality

Being fully embodied and aware of oneself as part of our planetary ecosystem and a member of the natural world.

Pillar Four: Energetic Mastery

Having the energetic power and resiliency to effectively meet life’s challenges with confidence and clarity. 

Pillar Five: Life Purpose & Contribution

Knowing one’s place in and contribution to the larger world in ways that are satisfying and sustainable.


Pillar Six: Excellent Communication

The ability to listen deeply, speak clearly and compassionately, and the willingness to be  transformed by the conversation/interaction.

Pillar Seven: Mutually-Beneficial Collaboration

The ability to creatively partner with others to develop win-win scenarios that benefit all parties, our non-human companions, and the natural world.  

Pillar Eight: Benevolence for All

Awareness of and acting from the recognition of our interconnecteness and that harm to one is harm to all, and benefit to all benefits each and every one.

Who is Maggie Ostara, PhD?

A recovering academic, Maggie Sale Ostara, PhD left her prestigious job as the Director of Women’s and Gender Studies at Columbia University when she realized she’s not built to work for anyone else.

Since then, Dr. Ostara has become a Certified Human Design and Quantum Human Design Specialist (Level 4), a Certified Clarity Breathwork Practitioner, a Certified Radiant Body Yoga Teacher, and a highly sought after teacher-mentor. She teaches high-achieving women how to develop their Feminine Sovereignty, to activate their Human Design super powers, and to unleash themselves from society’s prescription of success in favor of their own. 

She’s the creator of the 8 Pillars of Feminine Sovereignty and the Six Feminine Sovereign Archetypes, and over 20 educational programs focused on spiritual growth and building soul-inspired businesses that positively impact the world. Take the quiz: What’s Your Feminine Sovereign Archetype? at SovereignQuiz.com to find out more.

She’s hosted 5 multi-speaker online conferences, and spoken on over 15 such conferences, reaching registered audiences of over 200,000 participants.

With two decades of experience supporting 20,000+ students and hundreds of clients through her online programs and conferences, Dr. Ostara teaches how to avoid overwhelm and burnout, make reliable decisions, create a bigger impact with less effort, and transform inner liabilities into powerful assets and allies. 

Copyright © 2025 Maggie Sale Ostara. All Rights Reserved.

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